ShayLa La La La

sometimes my mouth does nothing what my brain says it too

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Being a good roommate

Let me reminisce for a moment and share a classic "Shayla KT" Moment (aka Kayla or Shaytie)

Sophomore year. We were ridiculous.

Our roommate, We will call her Megan M, No wait, I dont wanna give away who it was so we will call her M Myers. OHhhhhh M Myers!!! hahahahaha

She loved Chad Michael Murray, LOVED him. So one day KT and I were waiting for class to start and thought it would be hilarious to send Megan a text message. It went a little something like this "Oh my gosh! Did you hear that Chad Michael Murray died?!" Dont ask why we did this, cause we dont really know why.

HAHAHAHAHA, we thought it was HILARIOUS! She texted back like 30 minutes later saying "No, he didnt, I dont believe you." But she did believe us. she googled it. than when it wasnt true she had to act like she didnt fall for it. but she did.

BUT since she claimed she didnt fall for it, we decided we will catch her on a prank.

So, later that semester we saran wrapped her toilet bowl. She claimed she saw it before.

And we also put tin foil underneath her sheets. Like the one with the elastic through it so it stays on the bed. She claims she knew it was there before she got in bed. Which is IMPOSSIBLE because you couldn't see it and we heard it crinkle that night and LAUGHED SO HARD, but quietly so she couldn't hear.

Oh yeah, we also wrapped her desk chair up in wrapping paper and when she got home we told her we bought her a present. That it was in her room. hahahhaha, little did she know it was her CHAIR. hahahahahahahahahaha.

GOOD times! These few things made us officially the best roomates ever.

These are my confessions

1. Sometimes I like to sing out loud in public places. Okay-more like I start singing, don't realize its out loud until i notice the odd look from the person near me. This usually isnt until about half way through the song and I've already passed dozens of strangers, probably all lookin at me like "okay, crazy." You know what I say to them "YOU'RE CRAZY" and than I thrust one fist high into the air to demonstrate that I'm superior.

2. sometimes I also sing in the shower. But i recently stopped because singing leads to a weak attempt to dance. And believe you me when I say I was not ever meant to dance, I am extremely uncoordinated at moving my body and having it come out looking good.... and as i began to dance this last time in the shower, I almost slipped. It was then i realized this could get dangerous. So i stopped singing.

3. I say a lot of things that I don't really know what they mean. Sometimes I get away with it too. Although sometimes I dont. I've shared some of my failed attempts on here. Another recent one: I was taking the hottest guy in the world's pulse at work (him and I are mfeo=made for each other- i'm not kidding.). well, he started rambling off random numbers while I was counting the pulse in my head. So I said "well, GREAT! now I either have to start over or just beef the results" I do not know what beef the results means. Neither does he. and he called me out on it "What the heck? Beef the results? Did you just say that? What is that? a new phrase, were you trying to be cool?" He said to me. SHUT IT, yes okay I was trying to be cool. I am cool. Everyone says it. You just dont know anything. gosh. Lucky for him, he's so hot I didn't even get that mad at him for calling me out. I just laughed like an idiot and told him he only wishes he could come up with sayings that cool like me. I gave him permission to start saying it. He said he would not be caught dead saying that. I say its his loss.

4 again. Sometimes I say to myself: Self- you are soooo good looking. And i'm serious. And that makes me smile.

5. I hate running into people I sort of know. People I know only 2 things about them. Or at least I did know 2 things about at one point but these things were so boring I forgot them about 5 minutes after they said it because I thought "Wow, that's incredibly boring"

5 and 1/2. I hate even more when me and this person are the only people in the hallway walking towards each other. I panic and start to dig in my pockets to pull out my phone to act like I have to send a very important text right then. Its usually at that point i realize my phone isnt even in my pockets, so I have to dig through my purse (as if this isnt just SCREAMING "I'm trying my hardest to avoid eye contact so I don't have to talk to you, because i don't want to talk to you. You bore me.") I can never find my phone, So I decide to act like my shoes are the most interesting thing on earth and I glue my eyes to the ground, and just so i don't seeem rude, I decide that I am going raise my eyes at the last second as we pass to say a quick "hello! I didn't see it was you coming down the hall towards me, sorry we can't chat longer" Well, I start to get nervous so I usually raise my gaze from my shoes too early. They do the same so we make eye contact. Now we are trapped. So we both say "Oh, hey!" at the same time. We smile they say "How are you?" at the same time I was saying "Hows it" Because my orignal thought is to say hows it going, then when they say how are you I switch my thinking to say the same thing too late, and it comes out sounding like something IDIOTIC, like "how goes you too going...." Then we both say "good" at the same time. And THERES STILL ANOTHER 3 SECONDS, the longest 3 SECONDS EVER, until we pass, so I giggle, then hold my breath and act like my shoes suddenly became very interesting again. after I pass I think to myself: "Self- Good one! You dodged that bullet!"

6. I really like to watch the disney channel. Still... yeah, i do. I even use my nieces and nephews as an excuse to watch it. I babysit them and ask what they want to watch. They usually say something lame like Ben 10. Then I turn on Wizards of Waverely Place on the Disney channel anyways and pretend that's what they wanted to watch.

6 and 1/2. Sometimes I watch it when I'm home by myself too... so sue me.

7. I enjoy playing in the rain. And I hate walking through snow.

8. Most of the time when I wake up, I feel like I am missing someone. I don't really know who or why I feel this way. However, I think when I get married this feeling will go away.

9. When I was young, my Dad told me I would marry someone named Phinneas Pharnsworth. I kind of believe this is why i'm not married yet. I don't want that as a last name, and I haven't met anyone by that name yet.

10. I fall in love with a new guy about every other day. And usually I am over it by that night. Maybe most girls get past this when they are 12.... big deal...i didn't. But I still think about that hott australian mysterious biker man I met last month... and I choose to ignore the fact there's a .2% chance of ever meeting him again.

11. My favorite snack in the world is "the snack that smile back goldfish." I like to act like they are swimming before I eat them, swimming into my mouth and I am the shark that devours them. But sometimes I like to be the Great Fish from Jonah and the "Whale" (which was never actually called a whale, just a great fish) and act like I am just transporting them to where they need to be. in my belly. I also love animal crackers, and i play with them before I eat them too.

12. Also previously discussed in my blog- my brothers liked to tell me lies when I was younger, I dont find out that what they said were lies til, like now. Here's a new one I have never told anyone. I don't remember if my brothers told me this or if I just made it up and believed it for a long time. But I always believed that you had to close your eyes during a prayer because then the holy spirits could come down during the prayer. And if you didn't close your eyes they couldnt come and grant the blessings in your prayer. So during my personal prayers i always sqeezed my eyes shut extra tight so I could get all the blessing I asked for. I realized a few years back this wasnt true, but I still squeeze my eyes tight during personal prayers just in case. However, during public prayers like at church, I keep them open, and look around to see who else has there eyes open too. And than laugh when I see someone doing the same.

13. I love to paint and draw, however I don't do this much anymore, and it's sad cause I should. I will.

14. I am still afraid of the dark. When I was growing up I always made my little sister go places with me if it was dark. Including out to my car at night if I left something in there. Even though it wouldn't be much help if a bad guy came, at least I wouldn't be alone, and this made me feel better. Oh I hate bad guys as well. They are stupid jerks.

12. reviewing some of these confessions makes me think i'm still a twelve year old girl at heart.