ShayLa La La La

sometimes my mouth does nothing what my brain says it too

Sunday, March 27, 2011

ONE more thing....

I have decided I am going to give all my readers a little insight to explain why I am the way that I am.... check out this clip from The Office first:

...okay... now lets get back to me.

To explain why I am the way that I am... these next few posts are going to be about each member of my family. They are the ones that raised me and shaped me as I was developing, so they are the ones I blame, so Enjoy reading about them for a while instead of me!!!


Sorry i've negleted the blog lately, but hey, life got busy. It happens yes. I will start off with another new "Shaylaism"

My sister Ashley and I were having a discussion one evening.

We were talking about the finer things in life, and I was sharing with her my final thought that was really going to make the point I was trying to make.

I dont remember the discussion or the point i was trying to make, but I made it clear and to make sure she knew I had just made my point I said this:

"...point in hand"

BAM! Case close. Period. End of Discussion. My Point is clear. Next subject please.

All those things I could have said and I came up with "Point in hand" what does this even mean?

Well, Ashley didn't know either and started laughing and pointed out that "point in hand" doesnt even make sense.

I say this is typical me, making up phrases.

BUT-- here is why I said it --- listen up... I couldn't remember the phrase "Case and Point" ...nor did I even know what the heck that phrase is even supposed to mean anyways. Who does? So i couldn't exactly remember it... so I said "point in hand" which sounded right.

Boy was I wrong.

FAWC (For All Who Care): Case and Point, as my other sister so kindly explained to me earlier, means like, you won. Like the "Case" is closed and you won. and also you made the "Point" ... as in declared your point, or got the points, made the basket got the points, something like that. Basically that you won.