ShayLa La La La

sometimes my mouth does nothing what my brain says it too

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Skipped Bail

It's generally hard for me to speak and it coming out a good thing,

Like the time I was at Jason's Deli eating some dinner with Blake, Kara, and Ashley. We were waiting for our food, and the TV was on.

I was watching, the News was on. (Huh, I just had an "ah-ha" moment!!! Generally this would be something that is so dumb I would keep to myself, but since this is my blog about all my less than brilliant moments, I will share. i JUST NOW, literally just now realized why its called "the news" because it is shares all the NEW info!!! get it?!?! "the news" and "new" information!!! How convenient!! Thats such a cool thing- and now it totally makes sense. Some of you are probably thinkin- are you serious right now Shay? And if you know me at all, you will know that YES, I'm actually dead serious. I just put that together. hahahaha...WOW) anyways back to the story.....

THE NEWS is on, and all of a sudden they post this picture of a man, which looks like a mug shot, you know the one I'm talking about, where the person commits a crime and they always show a head shot of them with a mean or like they are high on drugs or hungover look on their face. So this picture pops up with big words across the bottom that say "SKIPPED BAIL"

Huh? I thought to myself, that's a funny name. I wonder what he did? So I decided to ask and see if they knew....

"Who's Skipped Bail??" ..... crap! I thought immediately after I said that- OBVS thats not a name! The guy skipped bail!!! OOOOHHHHHHHH!

Well, apparently everyone else at the table understood right away what "Skipped Bail" meant, that it was not his name at all.

And they all laughed at me. histerically. forever. in fact, sometimes, they still laugh.

But it ended up alright. Because shortly after that, my brother Blake who had been teasing me relentlessly, Mr. "i'm such a perfect genius smarty pants who never says anything dumb" (yes thats his nick name) said: "The guy drowneded." YES! He Did! drownedED?! theres no extra ED on the end. And it sounded just as ridiculous as Who's Skipped Bail, Thank You!!

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